Consumer Watchdog Reportedly Looking Into No Man’s Sky’s Misleading Advertising

The UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has confirmed that they’re investigating the marketing of Hello Games, No Man’s Sky. To be more specific, it is said that they are looking into claims made on the Steam page of the game.

The ASA have not provided any more details on the ongoing investigation other than saying it has received a number of complaints about the game. It is said that screens and videos on the Steam page are not representative of the final product.

If the ASA find No Man’s Sky’s advertising to be misleading, it will most likely lead to these marketing materials being removed.

Steam has said that most of the user reviews for No Man’s Sky have been mostly negative with 35% giving the game a thumbs up. Only 11% of more than 13,000 user reviews in the last 30 days have been positive.
