We’ll See The Power Of Project Scorpio This Thursday

It’s been revealed that Digital Foundry will have an exclusive reveal in regards to Project Scorpio on Thursday. It’ll be taking place at 11pm on Thursday night in Australia.

It’s unclear exactly what the reveal will entail, but due to the fact that Digital Foundry are known for their deep dives into hardware specifications it’s likely that we’ll finally see the exact power that Project Scorpio is punching.

It wouldn’t surprise me to see one or two larger games running on Project Scorpio similar to what we saw at the PS4 Pro reveal. It’s not wise for Xbox to show off the Project Scorpio power without software to back it up.

Further to this, Jez Corden who is the Senior Editor of Windows Central has claimed that Eurogamer (DigitalFoundry) will have big surprises on Thursday. Corden was the one that started speculation that we’ll see more about Scorpio this coming week.