No Man’s Sky is a first-person, open world survival game being developed by indie studio Hello Games. It will release on PS4 on Wednesday, August 10th and Microsoft Windows on Friday, August 12th. The most interesting feature of No Man’s Sky is its virtual universe, which uses procedural generation using algorithms and random number generators to create unique worlds. It is said that there are over 18 quintillion planets to discover, and players are free to interact and explore however they may.
You take the role of a planetary explorer who is equipped with a survival spacesuit, which includes a jetpack and a multitool that allows you to scan, mine and collect resources. You can also attack or defend yourself from the variety of creatures that exist on the planets. Your spaceship allows you to travel between planets and also engage in combat mid travel. The game doesn’t have a critical story component but it is encouraged to journey to the centre of the universe as an ‘endgame’ point.
Explore, Fight, Trade & Survive are the four key pillars of No Man’s Sky. Click each GIF below to watch each trailer.
The answer to this question is a little bit murky. Whilst No Man’s Sky is primarily a single player experience, there technically are opportunities for you to interact with other players. Finding planets will let you upload your results to the Atlas, a universal database that every player can access and use. Players will be able to track friends on the galactic map, and the system maps; to ensure they are able to meet up and explore together. You are able to run into people on other planets but due to the fact that there is 18 quintillion planets, and each planet is set to be quite sizeable, the likelihood of you running into someone else is apparently less than 1%. Even if you do meet another player, there aren’t a whole lot of tools at your disposal to work together. No Man’s Sky is supposed to act like a real world scenario, which unfortunately means that it wasn’t built to be an MMO.
Playstation Plus is not required to access the online components, due to the minimalist nature of the multiplayer.
There are a few different versions of No Man’s Sky in Australia. EB Games have an exclusive Limited Edition which includes a Steel book case, 48 page art book, exclusive comic, starter kit and dynamic PS4 theme. It’ll set you back $115. EB Games also have a preorder bonus in the form of an Alpha Vector Attack Ship. JB HI FI have a preorder bonus in the form of a 10,000 unit starting boost and an upgraded multi-tool. Preordering digitally on the PSN will allow you to get all of these items.