All Of The June 2024 Nintendo Direct Announcements

Are you PRIMED for all the announcements? Tee hee.

There was a HEAP of announcements so let’s get straight into it because I quite frankly could not keep up and it was a pretty good showing.


The Direct Closed With Our First Look At Metroid Prime 4 And It’s Looking Great

I never thought I’d see the new Perfect Dark and Metroid Prime in the same month. It’s called Metroid Prime 4: Beyond and it’s out in 2025. It’s looking way better than I’d hoped and, as predicted, it looks like Sylux is back with some cute little Metroid pets. I’d love to feel a Metroid on my face. What. Bye.

The Year Of The RPG Continues With A Brand New Mario & Luigi Game

It’s wild to think it’s been nine years since the last Mario & Luigi game. While not much was revealed, it is being described as a seafaring adventure. But it’s not Wind Waker. I don’t know why I felt the need to bring that up. It’s called Mario & Luigi: Brothership and it’s launching on November 7th 2024.

The New Zelda Finally Lets Us Play As Zelda And It Looks Cute As Ever

It’s called The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. It uses the same art style as the recent Link’s Awakening remake, but looks to transpose the Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom design sensibilities into that classic 2D Zelda style. Amazing. You’ll be able to play as Zelda with her special staff on September 26th later this year.

The New Mario Party Game Was Announced And It’s Easily The Biggest One Yet

It’s called Super Mario Party Jamboree and it features heaps of modes, online 20-player modes, some returning boards from older games and more. It looks to be the biggest Mario Party ever. I bagse Shy Guy. Bitch. It’s out on October 17th.

We Got More OF A Look At That Nintendo World Championships Game

Challenges from the original NES versions of Zelda, Metroid and Super Mario Bros. were shown off. You can even play off against ghost data of other players. This isn’t for me but I appreciate that it exists, as always. The game is still on track for release in July (that’s next month).

A Brand New Fairy Tail Game Is Coming

The first game was pretty popular but had a print run of about twelve copies, so it’ll be nice for fans to get more of their Fairy Tail fix. It’s out towards the end of this year, but no date was confirmed.

Fantasian Is Finally Making The Jump From Apple Arcade

The original game was released in two parts for the Apple Arcade. Neo Dimension brings together both parts, a full English and Japanese voice over track and new difficulty options. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s a turn-based RPG from the team who created and designed the original Final Fantasy games. You can expect it out before the end of 2024.

A Downloadable Update Will Add Basketball To Nintendo Switch Sports

This new downloadable update will allow players to take on each other in two-on-two matches using motion controls. You can also compete with up to three other players in a separate mode called Five Streak Battle.

A Brand New Indie Art Game Was Shown

The game is a 2D adventure RPG that’s set inside a mysterious gigantic spaceship. You play as an android exploring a world where machines have gone rogue. It’s out in 2025.

There’s A New Disney Illusion Island Update Coming

It’s called THE MYSTERY IN MONOTH and you’ll solve a mystery. As you’d expect. I’d also wager it will take place in a place called Monoth. It’s a free update and it’s out today, if my gripping description hasn’t sold you on it.

Hello Kitty Crossing, Um, I Mean, Hello Kitty Island Adventure Was Announced

Customisable characters, an open world, and pals to befriend. What’s not to love? It’s a Switch-timed exclusive in 2025.

Looney Tunes: Wacky World of Sports Was Revealed But I’m Not Sure

It’s from GameMill so I’m not sure about this one. But there’s four arcade-style sports and four-player local co-op. It’s out this year.

Even More Among Us Updates Are Coming As Always

It’s a free update, and it’s out today. Yes.

Farmagia, A New Cool Game(?) Was Announced

It’s out on November 1st.

Donkey Kong Country Returns Is Coming Back…..Again…..

This is beyond disappointing, our boy deserves so much more. But it includes all of the 3DS content too, which is nice. It’s out in January 2025.

The Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake Was Finally Shown Again And Dated

It’s looking great, utilising that trademark HD-2D art style that Octopath Traveler and Triangle Strategy both employed. It’s out on November 14th.

But A Dragon Quest I and II HD-2D Remake Was Also Announced

This one is out in 2025. It was at the end of the last trailer, so just scroll up if you don’t believe me. xox

We Got A Better (?) Look At Funko Fusion And It’s Going To Be Your Next Guilty Pleasure

It’s a game where you play as Pop Vinyls in many different worlds. It looks better than I thought, honestly. It’s still on track for release in September. It’s okay to admit you are looking forward to this. We’re only human.

A New Denpa Men Is Coming If You Were Wanting That

It’s free and it’s coming to Nintendo Switch first. I know one (1) person this appeals to in a past life. But good for them. It’s out in July.

An Unexpected Metal Slug Auto Battler Is Coming Today

It’s a tower defence game that features simple controls perfect for newcomers. It’s out today too. Wow.

Darkest Dungeon II Is Also Coming To Nintendo Switch

It looks good and better than the first, IMHO. It’s out on July 15th.

More Games Are Coming To Nintendo Switch Online Including A Rareware Favourite Of Mine

The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (with Four Swords) and Metroid: Zero Mission are both coming to the Nintendo Switch online service today. Additionally, both Perfect Dark and Turok are also coming to the service in their original N64 forms. The games will all allow online multiplayer where the original games supported it. Wow.

There Is A New Phantom Brave Game Coming

It’s a tactical RPG that’s due out in 2025. Looks like it chugs but I am sure they will make it look better before it comes out.


The games were unobtainable for so long, so seeing them returning is exciting. A bunch of side scrollers are included too. And there’s online play. It’s out in 2024.

A Brand New Zelda Switch Lite Was Announced

It’s Gold. As you’d expect. Local release details are forthcoming.

Just Dance 2025 Edition is Coming

I wish they’d pivot to an immersive sim or first-person shooter or something, but I guess this works. There are 40 new tracks. I hope you have strong floors.

That Little Sony LEGO Game Got Another Look-In

We got more of a look at how the game will run on Switch (and it’s how you’d expect). It’s still on track for Holiday 2024. It’s also nice to see online co-op was confirmed for the game too on Switch.

Stray Was Revealed To Be Coming For Nintendo Switch

We got a better look at how the game will run on Switch. It’s still on track for Holiday 2024.

The New Lord Of The Rings Game Ticks All The Cozy Checkboxes If That’s Your Thing

It’s like Animal Crossing, but you’re a Hobbit in the shire. It’s out towards the end of this year.

Capcom Is Bringing The Ace Attorney Investigations Spin-Offs Outside Of Japan, Finally

You’ll be able to choose between the new hand-drawn art style or the older pixel sprites. It’s out in September, and it’s the first time you’ll be able to play Ace Attorney Investigations 2 outside of Japan. Now that all of the Ace Attorney games are remastered, we can get a new one. Right? RIGHT? They’re out on September 6th.

A New Game From The Mind That Brought Us Danganronpa Was Announced

It’s called THE HUNDRED LINE -Last Defense Academy- and it has you at a school defending it for 100 days. I don’t think I’d defend my school for that long but if that’s your thing then go ahead. It’s out on Switch in 2025.

The New SaGa Remake Was Revealed Too, If One Romancing SaGa Wasn’t Enough

If you’ve forgotten, it’s called Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven. It’s out October 24th 2024. Dynamic.