In an interview with Eurogamer, Guerrilla Games’ technical director Michiel van der Leeuw; Revealed that Killzone: Shadow Fall’s final size could range from 37 to 40 GB, depending on localization, and it could have been much, much larger.
“I think at some point the dis image that we were generating was around 180GB. And if we would have put all the levels in, which we didn’t because then the disc image generator broke, it would have been around 290 GB of data.” van der Leeuw said.
“So we had to completely re-architect how we deal with data. and we did a lot of work – this is actually something I’m extremely proud of – to optimize our disc access pattern. Sony made special libraries for us because we were the first ones hitting these sort of problems. I think it’s something that a lot of people will need to be doing in the future”
Thank god these guys are extremely talented people, I’m a huge fan of digital downloads for games, and quite frankly I don’t want to use half of my monthly bandwidth downloading a single game.
Thanks to the PS4’s PlayGo feature, those who will be getting Killzone: Shadow Fall through the Playstation store will be able to start playing as soon as the first 7.5 GB is downloaded.
Killzone: Shadow Fall will be available on launch with the PS4 on November 29th.