The sweet console wars, this is the front where in my opinion, they are valid. All the big dogs in the industry just barking and biting at each other for monetary supremacy and world domination… of the living room at least. So obviously, in further attempts to temp the masses to flock to the stores and continue their support for the console giant, Sony states that they have sold out in just about all retailers.
“PS4’s are generally sold out at all retailers although regular supply is refreshing the channel,” Sony said on a slide shown during an internal presentation. Sony also mentioned,they have increased its market share among as what they describe as “heavy gamers.”
“[The PlayStation 4 launch] hasn’t been like prior ones… this is a story of engagement,” vice president of PlayStation marketing John Koller reportedly said. He continued, “When demand outstrips supply, the promise of what’s to come is really critical.”
A powerful statement to say the least. Does hearing this sort of thing temp you?