Rumor: PS Plus March Benefits

This is only a rumor, but seeing as how the team nailed their February predictions it could almost be a safe bet in expecting the following games to appear in your instant game collection next month.

For the PS Vita, two games are said to become available. First up is the brain teaser “Smart As” which features the charming voice work of John Cleese and second is the PSP remake “Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate HD”

PlayStation 3 will be seeing the release of “Tomb Raider” from Square-Enix, which makes sense seeing as it has been released for about a year. Next up is “Brothers: A Tale of Two Son’s” coming to the European region.

RELATED:  January's Free PlayStation Plus Essential Games Have Been Revealed

Finally, and perhaps the most obscure in the predictions is the PS4’s plus benefit “Dead Nation”. This game was a solid twin stick shooter during the PS3 era developed by Housemarque, the team of indie developers that bought the PS4 game “Resogun”. What makes this so odd is that there has been no wind of an announcement of this game getting a port up to the PS4. We already know that Housemarque have been working on DLC for “Resogun” so has that opened the door for a mystery developer to handle the port? Only time will tell.

We are expecting to hear the official announcements late next week, until then, stay tuned at Press-Start for all your gaming needs.