Ever since Reaper Of Souls came out for PC, it was only eventually that it would come out for consoles as well. Blizzard announced today that a bundled package of both the original game and the expansion will be hitting consoles dubbed the Ultimate Evil Edition, packed with even more content such as transfer of characters between not only consoles but generations, four player local/online multiplayer, item gifting to other players and something called ‘avenger killing’, an option that allows players to avenge their friends death from the hands of a more powerful demon.
Sounds good and all, but there has been silence in regards to releasing Reaper Of Souls as a standalone expansion for consoles. Some folks who already bought the original game full price may be hesitant to shell out even more for a complete package.
The game will come out August 19th on every console except the Wii U unfortunately. Specifically: Ps3/4 and Xbox 360/1.