Assassin’s Creed Unity has been delayed by two weeks in order to make sure that Ubisoft fulfil their true next-generation experience for the game. It will now release on November 14th on the same day as Assassin’s Creed Rogue.
Ubisoft said the below in a blog post
Yes, that’s two weeks after the previously announced release date. But along with big ambition – and even bigger promises – comes a lot of heavy lifting. “This being a fully next-gen game, it requires a lot of work, a lot of production, and a lot of learning,” says Senior Producer Vincent Pontbriand. “It’s always hard to be precise and to quantify exactly how much work is involved. So as we get close to the finish we often realize we’re near the target but we’re not quite there yet.”
You can read the full blog post HERE. Whilst 2 weeks doesn’t seem like a long time, it’s important to remember that Ubisoft have a TON of studios working on Assassin’s Creed. This means that the sheer amount of developers working on the game will mean that 2 weeks will provide the extra time they need to polish their first next-gen outing.
Assassin’s Creed Unity will release on November 14th for PS4, Xbox One and PC whilst Assassin’s Creed Rogue will release on PS3 and Xbox 360.