Sony have just announced their PlayStation Plus content for February and we think it’s a good month. On PS4, you’ll be able to get the brand new game Apotheon which is a 2D action adventure game set in Greece. The other game available on PS4 will be the highly-acclaimed Transistor.
PS3 owners will be able to download Square Enix’s reboot of Thief. You’ll also be able to get Yakuza 4.
Vita Owners will be able to get 2D platform adventure Rogue Legacy and the brand new game Kick and Fennick which is an adventure about a small boy with a big gun.
In summary, the below are the important details for PlayStation Plus in February.
Entering PS Plus:
4th February: Apotheon (PS4)
4th February: Transistor (PS4)
4th February: Thief (PS3)
4th February: Yakuza 4 (PS3)
4th February: Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross Buy)
4th February: Kick and Fennick (PS Vita)
Leaving PS Plus:
4th February: inFamous First Light
4th February: The Swapper
4th February: Prototype 2
4th February: DuckTales Remastered
4th February: Woah Dave!
4th February: Duke Nukem: 3D Megaton Edition