Naughty Dog have revealed a wealth of information about Uncharted 4’s multiplayer. The main announcement is the fact that all future maps and content will be available for free. This is to ensure that the community remains as one without segmentation. There will be four content drops lasting up until Autumn of 2017.
There will be four multiplayer modes at launch:
- Command – In this mode, you’ll capture command sites for a steady flow of points. Command emphasises teamwork and a large part of that comes from protecting your captain.
- Team Deathmatch – A fight to the end with teammates at your side. The goal is to score a certain number of points to win, with each enemy KO being worth one point.
- Warm Up Playlist – The Warm Up playlist gives the players the opportunity to explore all of the new gameplay mechanics available in Uncharted 4.
- Trials – Set up as pseudo competitive matches. Go up against enemy NPC opponents with the goal of getting a high-score