A young Pokemon fan has endured an absolute roller coaster of emotions after having his collection of Pokemon cards stolen by another boy. After hearing about the devastating situation, a Police Officer from Cleveland, Ohio managed to locate the stolen collection, but then went one step further by donating his entire childhood collection of Pokemon cards to the distraught boy.
Whilst this might not seem like a big deal, the Police Officer has given up original Pokemon cards from his childhood which are known to be worth excessive amounts of money. Especially due to the fact that his collection included some first-print editions & holographics.
“Some of the neighborhood kids were actually able to help us locate this boy. We talked to the boy’s parents and the parents confronted the boy. He brought the cards back out and handed them over and apologised. I knew I had some old Pokemon cards at home, So I looked in the closet and noticed a binder … I told my sergeant and lieutenant I had some cards I wanted to give [this boy], so the next day my partner and I went back to his house. I know I have a couple of holographics and first editions in there.” The Police Office from Ohio said.