Adult website, PornHub has posted their annual ‘Year in Review’ for 2016 and it has some interesting stats in relation to gamers.
Firstly, Overwatch was the only new term to make the up top 20 searches in 2016, coming in at the 11th most searched term.
Overwatch porn saw a massive spike as soon as the game was released in beta last year. The game quickly become the subject of hundreds of fantasy porn parodies and tribute videos.
It’s only when you look at the total list, that you’ll realise just how impressive of a feat it is. You can view that list HERE.
Even more interesting is the fact that PlayStation gamers appear to be using their console more than any other to watch adult movies. Growing 13%, PlayStation gamers make up 53% of those using gaming consoles to watch porn.
An even more interesting stat is the fact that 5% of the total porn watching on gaming consoles were made up of 3DS users.