JB Hi-Fi

JB Hi-Fi Must Be Still Selling A Lot Of Games And Consoles

JB Hi-Fi has today released their half year results for FY2018 and it looks like video games are helping them achieve much better profit than last FY.

Overall profit of the company lifted 37.4% to $151.7 million after Christmas sales helped across its increased store network. As far as online sales go, that improved as well with a 40.6% increase in sales online.

Sales at JB Hi-Fi Australian stores grew on last year by 10.8% which was driven by the video games industry as well as computers, audio and drones.

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It’s definitely an interesting time for games at retail. We saw Kmart stop stocking games some time ago and Target is definitely being more picky about what games they stock. Many predicted that Amazon would completely change the market in Australia, but we definitely haven’t seen that as yet.