The Rialto, Venice is the location of Overwatch’s latest map and after a slight delay, it is now available on the Public Test Realm for PC players to trial. If this map looks familiar, it’s because it’s the same location featured in Overwatch Retribution, the latest PvE event that will be playable until April 30, 2018. The Rialto escort map has some slight variations from the Retribution map, however, as the event is set eight years earlier according to Overwatch lore.
In addition to the brand new map, a brand new Hanzo, or something like it at least, has been added to the PTR. Blizzard has been teasing a revision of Hanzo for months and we’re finally seeing a glimpse of the adjustments being made. Hanzo now has a brand new ability called “Storm Arrows” which will replace his current ability “Scatter Arrows”. The new ability allows Hanzo to send six simultaneous arrows flying through the air at the cost of reduced damage. You can access full patch notes here.