It’s been an amazing few weeks in terms of watching Australians and international developers and gamers come together in support of Australian Bush Fires and it shows no signs of stopping (which is hugely important).
In addition to the Humble Australian Fire Relief Bundle which was announced this morning a bunch of local and international publishers as well as local industry people have come together to put some amazing items up for grabs. There’s a lot of money can’t buy items up for grabs with all proceeds going towards a great cause, so dig deep and get your bids in.
If we’ve missed any items, feel free to send them through to us, so we can add them below.
Reply here to bid on a Diamond Loot Chest: includes the full game, season pass, bonus digital content, including a Chest replica, character figurines, Sanctuary 3 snap model, Vault Key keychains, Cloth map, Character lithographs, and BL3 Steelbook case. #gamedevsforfiries
— GearboxOfficial (@GearboxOfficial) January 14, 2020
I'm auctioning off a one-on-one private lesson on creating 3D models w/ stylized rendering with follow up feedback for! ???????#GameDevsforFireys #GameDevsforFiries
??Reply with your bid in AUD. Bids can go up by $1+??
Bidding ends at Sat 22nd January!
— Emma Koch ?? (@emmakoch) January 14, 2020
Want to support AND get you & a friend into Play by Play 2020? Here’s your chance!
We’re auctioning this bundle in support:
– 2x PBP 2020 All Access Passes
– 2x NZGF Tshirts
– 2x NZGF Fantail Pins
– 2x NZGF Kiwi Pins#GameDevsForFireys #gamedevsforfiries— NZ Games Festival (@nzgamesfest) January 14, 2020
Support Australia's Firefighters & win a #KingdomComeDeliverance Royal Collector's edition with your highest bid in Australian Dollars right here below this tweet.
???????Auction End 22/01/20 at 11am AEST
More info on #GameDevsforFiries— Warhorse Studios (@WarhorseStudios) January 14, 2020
Offering 3x 90 min sessions of mentorship/coaching to help you launch a game: Areas covered inc. go-to-market, roadmapping ,PR, marketing, publisher relations ,community, or events.
Help me, help you, help those in need #GameDevsForFireys
— James Kozanecki || Aussie_kozzy (@Aussie_Kozzy) January 14, 2020
How about a money can't buy Xbox One Wireless Greaseproof Controller? Number 126 of only 200. Let's start at $126 to commemorate that.
Auction ends Friday, 17th Jan @ 12pm AEDT.#GameDevsForFireys #gamedevsforfiries
— Jiggsy (@jiggsy) January 14, 2020
I will help you realize your story (game, novel, short story or screenplay.)
Shameless namedrop for a good cause: "(Cam Rogers is) a writer of real assurance and vision." – Neil Gaiman.
Bids start at $AU50. #GameDevsForFiries
— Cam Rogers (@Cam_Rogers) January 15, 2020
I’m contributing to #gamedevsforfireys by putting up for auction two free QA consulting sessions. I’ve got MANY (I’m so old) years of experience, and have helped some wonderful studios and companies do QA the right way.
Info on how to bid:
— Jason Imms ???? (@jasonimms) January 13, 2020
So turns out these were pretty popular? We're auctioning off one of the last Pin Chickens for the fireys!
Reply with a bid before 5pm 22/1, winner donates to the fireys and gets the pin. Bidding starts at $25AUD. #GameDevsforFiries
— PAX Australia (@PAXAus) January 16, 2020
As Guardians, it's our duty to assist those in need.
To support the Australia fire relief efforts, all proceeds of the new "Guardians for Australia" shirt and emblem will go towards @NSWRFS and @WIRES_NSW.
— Bungie (@Bungie) January 16, 2020
Myself and @Reed_POP / @PAX are supporting #GameDevsForFireys by auctioning off 2 x badges to any one PAX of your choosing, including a personal tour of the show floor with me the day before it opens.
To bid just comment on this post with a dollar amount higher than the last!
— Guy 'Yug' Blomberg (@YugSTAR) January 16, 2020
We’re supporting #GameDevsForFiries and the Australian bushfire relief by auctioning off a @GenZeroGame and @theHunterCOTW bundle with the full games, ALL the DLC and autographed posters. Reply to this tweet with your bid in AUD. The auction ends 01AM CET on January 22nd.
— Avalanche Studios Group (@AvalancheSweden) January 16, 2020
??Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition ???? ??? (Signed) Auction ?
Reply to ???? tweet with your bid in $AUD to participate.
Help us support Australian firefighters & wildlife!#GameDevsforFireys #GameDevsforFiries— Obsidian (@Obsidian) January 17, 2020
??The Outer Worlds ???? (Signed) and Game Informer (Signed) Package Auction ??
Reply to ???? tweet with your bid in $AUD to participate.
Help us support Australian firefighters & wildlife!#GameDevsforFireys #GameDevsforFiries— Obsidian (@Obsidian) January 17, 2020
??Pillars of Eternity Mega Collection Auction ??
Reply to ???? tweet with your bid in $AUD to participate.
Help us support Australian firefighters & wildlife!#GameDevsforFireys #GameDevsforFiries— Obsidian (@Obsidian) January 17, 2020
Want a spot in the Omegathon at #PAXAus? Here's your chance.
Reply to this with a bid before 5pm 22/1, winner donates to the fireys and gets an Omegathon spot + a 3 Day badge for a friend. Bidding starts at $100AUD. #GameDevsforFiries
— PAX Australia (@PAXAus) January 15, 2020
So this is an amazing idea… but $11 isn’t going to cut it. Do I hear $110? Better yet, $1,100? Dig deep, y’all!
(Same conditions as Jiggsy cause I’m lazy.)#GameDevsforFireys
— Steve Wright (@SWrightAU) January 14, 2020
And the last item we want to put up for auction is a custom @GemsOfWar t-shirt designed by our illustrious Nimhain. You can pick any of these designs, and choose your troop! We will mock it up, create the t-shirt, and mail it to you at our expense.
Please bid on this tweet!— Gems of War (@GemsOfWar) January 16, 2020
Auctioning 3 DE-staff-issued @PlayWarframe Prex cards. Unavailable elsewhere. Mailed as-new (were never packaged) or can be signed by Steve Sinclair, Rebb Ford and others.
RULES: #GameDevsForFiries #AustraliaFires— Cam Rogers (@Cam_Rogers) January 15, 2020
The team at Ultimerse are heartbroken by the devastation caused by the Australian bushfire crisis and have joined a bunch of game developers in the @humble Australia Fire Relief Bundle to help raise funds for bushfire relief. #GameDevsForFiries
— Ultimerse ? (@Ultimerse) January 16, 2020