I didn’t think that we’d be seeing the NES Classic Edition this soon, but it’s on display at San Diego Comic-Con. The one thing that has shocked me, whilst looking at photos this morning is just how small the new console is. I knew it’d be smaller, but it’s not until it’s put next to the original NES that you can really appreciate just how adorable it is.
To put it into perspective, the width of the entire console is smaller than the width of a NES controller. Thankfully though, the controller appears to have stayed the same size which is the one thing that I was worried about. The only negative thing that I’ve noticed is that the controller cord appears to be quite short, which is hopefully just a pre-production issue.
I’ve added some more images below which have made me way more excited to get this thing on my desk.
The NES Classic Mini is available on November 10th in Australia for $99.95. It may prove hard to get one with EB Games and JB Hi Fi appearing to have sold out already.