It’s been revealed in a new interview from the brand new The Legend of Zelda: Aart and Artifacts book coming out in February exactly why The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker 2 ended up not releasing, with Nintendo instead focusing on Twilight Princess.
Artist Satoru Takizawa has revealed that Wind Waker 2 would have taken place primarily on land with Link being able to ride a horse once again. The development team found Toon Links proportions difficult to work with, especially in the adult form.
Due to the fact that the audience wanted a more realistic link and high-budget fantasy movies were huge at the time, Nintendo decided to scrap the concept all together and focus on Link’s new design which ended up becoming The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess as we know it.
Most people don’t know but Series Producer Eiji Aonuma announced Wind Waker 2 during a talk at GDC 2. A slide in the presentation showed that the game was in the works, although this was not to be.
Wind Waker is one of my favourite games of all time, and Toon Link is absolutely iconic. I’d love to see Nintendo return to that style after we get the pleasure of enjoying Breath of the Wild.