If you’ve been using the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app to track your daily usage so far, you should have got an alert today about your first monthly summary being ready within the app.
As far as I know, you can only access this information if you have parental controls turned on and connected to the app.
There’s actually a really nice amount of data kept within the summary including your most play games and how many days you played them on, as well as a really good breakdown of how many hours you played the Nintendo Switch each day.
Whilst it’s pretty obvious that Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will probably be at the top of everyone’s list for at least the next month or so, it’ll be cool to see how this changes and evolves in the first year of the Nintendo Switch life cycle.
If you haven’t already gotten the Parental Controls app (which is available on iOS and Android), we’d suggest doing so in order to make sure that your data is getting properly tracked.