Nintendo Switch Is Getting A Stream-Only Version Of Resident Evil 7

It would seem the Switch has landed a pretty big third-party coup in bringing Resident Evil 7 to the platform, though it isn’t as positive as it might seem. There’s a pretty big catch, unfortunately.

For now, it’s limited to a Japan-only release (though we’re sure it could see release in other regions) but the biggest hurdle is the fact it doesn’t run on the Switch hardware. Instead, it’s streamed via Capcom’s servers. It’s similar to how PlayStation Now’s cloud-based gaming works, though it’s worth noting Now isn’t available in Australia either.

It’s a strange situation. As a result of it being streamed to consoles, it’ll probably end up looking better than the Switch hardware could handle in the first place, provided your connection holds up. Though the reliance on connectivity flies in the face of why gamers would choose to play Resident Evil 7 on the portable console.

It’s set to release this week in Japan and costs 2,000 yen (about $23AUD) for a 180-day “ticket”. The pass also includes all of the game’s DLC.