Amy Hennig, who is known for her work on the Uncharted series famously left Naughty Dog to work with Visceral games and more specifically, their highly-anticipated Star Wars game.
Henning spoke at PAX West his weekend about how to create an authentic Star Wars experience. She spoke about how it’s important to include characters such as the AT-ST that are already well-known in the Star Wars universe, but then incorporating new locations, new creatures and a new story.
Due to fact that the Uncharted series and Visceral’s Star Wars game are both action-packed third-person shooters, Hennig spoke a little bit about how developing the two games is a little bit different.
The Uncharted series focuses on the hero and even though the story moves away from them, it’s still to add to the overall story of the hero. Star Wars is very different to this. “In Star Wars, you’re always cutting to the bad guys and seeing what they’re doing”.
Unfortunately, Hennig wouldn’t reveal too much else about the game, but taking this into consideration, it’s easy to make the assumption that the game will be much more of a balanced story, focusing on multiple main characters rather than just one. It’s unclear whether we’ll see well-known Star Wars characters make an appearance in the game, but with Hennins stunning work with the earlier Uncharted games, Visceral’s Star Wars game is shaping up to be the most promising in some time.