During BlizzCon 2017’s opening ceremony in Anaheim, Blizzard announced a brand new support hero coming to Overwatch in the near future. You can watch the reveal trailer below:
Described as “as brilliant as she is ambitious” Moira is a Talon geneticist who appears to be using magic (possibly as a result of spliced genes, BioShock style) to both heal her teammates and deal impressive damage to her enemies. Moira’s biotic abilities enable her to contribute healing or damage in any crisis. While Biotic Grasp gives Moira short-range options, her Biotic Orbs contribute longer-range, hands-off damage and healing; she can also Fade to escape groups or remain close to allies in need of support. Once she’s charged Coalescence, Moira can save multiple allies from elimination at once or finish off weakened enemies. According to the game’s director, Jeff Kaplan, she’s a ton of fun and a force to be reckoned with. Check out the description of her abilities from the official Overwatch website below:
Using her left hand, Moira expends biotic energy to heal allies in front of her. Her right hand fires a long-range beam weapon that saps enemies’ health, healing Moira and replenishing her biotic energy.
Moira launches a rebounding biotic sphere; she can choose between a regeneration effect that heals the allies it passes through, or a decay effect that deals damage to enemies.
Moira quickly teleports a short distance.
Moira channels a long-range beam that both heals allies and bypasses barriers to damage her enemies.
Using her left hand, Moira expends biotic energy to heal allies in front of her. Her right hand fires a long-range beam weapon that saps enemies’ health, healing Moira and replenishing her biotic energy.
We’re not exactly sure when Moira will be joining the Overwatch lineup as the 26th playable character but as usual, we can expect her to make her debut on the Public Test Realm on PC before an official release.