UPDATE: Following yesterday’s report that 2-step verification would be rolling out to Australia first, users are now receiving the option to add their phone number into the PlayStation system to activate that 2-step verification process.
According to a Sony support worker, Australia and New Zealand will finally be getting 2-step verification on PS4 later tonight or tomorrow morning, with the plan to roll it out to other regions next week.
2-step verification has been spoken about for a long while by PlayStation. It is much needed as PSN accounts are a well-known target for hackers.
It will essentially work as an SMS service. You will need to put your mobile number on your account and any new login will require a code that will be SMS’d to the number on the account.
Anything that isn’t a PS4 will work a little bit differently. PS3/Vita will use a “Device Code” which will be an additional password that you can have for the account in addition to your actual password.
Lets hope that it is finally rolling out in the near future, as account hacking has become a real issue on PS4.
Source: Reddit