The God of War Director Cory Barlog has confirmed on Twitter that God Of War won’t have a season pass. Whilst this is not a surprise, there’s still a lot of unknowns for this reborn PlayStation franchise. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there won’t be any DLC. Horizon Zero Dawn had a major piece of DLC content without having a season pass as have other PlayStation games.
No season pass. As for the story questions – you will have to wait and play the game to see how it all shakes out. I just finished another play-through last night around midnight and it was still awesome! I'm totally biased, though.
— the fake cory balrog (@corybarlog) January 17, 2018
We still don’t know when God Of War is releasing which does seem a little bit crazy considering it’s supposed to launch in the next few months. All signs are pointing to the fact that we’ll have a release date in the near future with Sony last week announcing a collector’s edition for the game.
The release date was rumoured to be March 22nd after Amazon posted a release date just for PSX, but nothing was revealed at the event.