Some direct feed footage of Devil May Cry 5 has come out of Gamescom and it looks positively bonkers. And that’s not all as Capcom revealed the much-anticipated sequel would be released March 8, 2019.
Capcom did previously confirm that the game would have a playable demo at Gamescom and renown YouTuber Arekkz has been kind enough to record his direct feed from his play session and show off the game in action. The gameplay shows an early-game tutorial and gives us a great look at two of Nero’s Devil Breakers, known as Overture and Gerbera which deal out electrical and heat damage respectively.
Here’s the video, which features the aforementioned Nero taking down a pretty big hell beast with his usual cocky flair.
That’s not all. As far as official trailers go, Capcom did release one that confirmed the game’s release date. It shows off a lot of the game’s hectic gameplay and even reveals the fact that Dante can literally tear his motorcycle in half and use it as a weapon. Holy crap, now that’s insane.
And that release date again is March 8, 2019.