E3 2017

Bioware’s Anthem Stuns On Xbox One X

A familiar face from EA’s showing yesterday returned to stage during Microsoft’s E3 conference to show more of Bioware’s curious new IP, Anthem.

He promised a game world that’s lush, savage and ever-changing. He then showed world premiere gameplay for Anthem running on Xbox One X and it looks stunning in motion. It was noted yesterday by many that it looks like a mix of Destiny and Titanfall and some of those sentiments have some merit.

You enter an exo-suit and explore a lush open-world, full of hostile threats, lush flora and stunning sceneries. The game also has a minimal heads-up display, making it so easy to take in the game’s incredible world. It looks to also feature drop-in, drop-out co-operative play and is seamless in doing so.

Anthem is coming in 2018.

Published by
Brodie Gibbons