Disney have announced a wealth of Disney Infinity content at D23. John Boyega and Daisey Risley, the co-stars of the upcoming Star Wars The Force Awakens appeared on stage to give away figures of their characters Finn & Rey.
Nick Wildge & Judy Hopps from the upcoming Zootopia as well as Spot from upcoming Pixar film the Good Dinosaur will also be joining the figure in figure form. A power disc pack for The Good Dinosaur was also revealed.
A new playset was announced in the form of ‘Marvel Battlegrounds’ which will allow gamers to play with 4 players. It is unclear how this will work as obviously a Portal only supports two figures at once. Disney also announced that Peter Pan will be joining the game next year.
Guests who attended D23 were also treated to a Kingdom Hearts Mickey Costume Power Disc. This will not be sold in stores.
Disney Infinity will release on September 3rd in Australia.
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