
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Is Rumoured Not To Include A Single-Player Campaign

According to a sources known to Polygon, this year’s entry of the Call of Duty franchise, Black Ops 4, won’t include a traditional single-player campaign.

They say a shift in creative direction caused this game to be the first in the series to not include a standard story mode.

While Polygon’s sources asked to remain anonymous, they did say that as the deadline loomed for Black Ops 4 it became evident that a single-player mode wouldn’t be completed by release, as the development focus on multiplayer and Zombies mode was given a higher priority. Activision has kept their cards held close though, not offering a comment to Polygon beyond that they’re looking forward to revealing the game on May 17.

Given the rumours swirling at the moment of a Battle Royale mode being developed for Black Ops 4 by Raven Software, this could be one of the bigger design choices that killed off any chance of a traditional campaign.

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  • Well I won't be buying it then, I'm like the one person who only buys CoD for the campaign.

Published by
Brodie Gibbons