Pokemon McDonalds

The Pokemon McDonalds Happy Meal Includes Limited Edition Card Packs But Scalpers Are Gobbling Them Up

McDonalds and Pokemon have once again partnered up to celebrate Pokemon’s 25th anniversary.

In the US, there is a Pokemon Happy Meal which contains one of four Pokemon toys as well as a booster pack with four cards. There’s 50 of these cards to collect which are made up of one of each starting Pokemon through the generation and Pikachu (plus a holographic version of each card).

McDonalds Pokemon

McDonalds made the decision to sell these either in a Happy Meal, or you could buy the pack separately for $2 US, but as noted by Polygon this led to people heading to stores and purchasing boxes of these packs before taking them to eBay. Right now, there are auctions with boxes of 150 packets for upwards of $1,000 USD which is more than three times their value at McDonalds.

McDonalds has now made the decision to limit purchases to five per person, which is definitely a lot more reasonable. It’s understood that these cards won’t be sold outside of this special offer.

We’ve reached out to McDonalds Australia to confirm whether they’re coming to Australia or not. We haven’t received a response so far, but others in the community seemed to have received confirmation that we will be receiving them later this year.

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