A reliable source has revealed some interesting information about an upcoming Splinter cell game. The game is allegedly quite far in development, with Michael Ironside said to be returning as the voice of Sam Fischer.
“Regarding other games, I haven’t been involved with Steep or Wildlands, but I was surprised Splinter Cell didn’t appear at E3. I know Ironside is back. He was in the studio, I said Hi to him and his daughter. He was shooting a movie with Amy Jo Johnson, and I know someone who worked on that set and Ironside confirmed to him he was doing the new Splinter Cell. I know Toronto has the mocap studio for it.I’m hoping to hear or see something unofficial, if not official, this year, but its been hard to get anything beyond “It’s Happening”.”
Blacklist, the last game in the Splinter Cell series was received positively, but criticism was thick due to the fact that a new voice actor took the role of Fischer. The game was criticised for its dated graphics and it failed to meet Ubisoft’s sale expectations.
Source: NeoGAF
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Neogaf? Fking seriously?
This news made my day!!
Day 1 purchase. I hope it HDR Ready for the XBOX ONE Slim.
I wish nooo i demand a patch for Splinter cell Blacklist to fix Sam Fishers voice to be from Michael Ironside...game was great but only Sam Fisher for me is Ironside...its just like voice of God if you wont one you call Morgan Freeman, same thing with Sam Fisher. When Ironside be unable to perform as Sam Fisher just kill the character and start fresh...cus is the man for the job and no one else.
Sam Fisher: Tell me what you know about your friends on the inside.
Indonesian terrorist: I don't speak English.
Sam Fisher: I'd bet your neck you do.
Indonesian terrorist: Well, maybe I speak a little English.
In this lines I hear only Ironsides voice ihihihihihihhi...
That's so very true. I couldn't even play Blacklist because the voice just didn't feel right and the game felt a little like they were trying to cater to a larger crowd. They need to pull people into the stealth genre, not make the game like other popular shooters.
I really hope this is like the 3rd installment. Chaos Theory. It was very dark, had bits of humor and had a great atmosphere. I miss making use of shadows, hiding in places, hanging down from pipes and taking out guards. The bank mission was one of my favorite. So was the Penthouse. The level design was pretty sweet for its time.
They can make the game into something really great. I hope the people developing the title actually played the old games and aren't developing it based off of the last Battlefield game they just played.
To be fair, "Blacklist" did have a lot of stealth elements, and certain levels had more emphasis on stealth than action, but I see what you mean by they were seemingly trying to cater to a larger crowd.
Honestly, I don't blame "Blacklist" for having a lot emphasis on shooting, because "Conviction" really screwed the series up by devolving it into a mindless shooter.
Overall, though, "Blacklist' is a pretty solid game. That being said, I hope the new game will be closer to "Chaos Theory," easily the best in the series, and one of the best games I've ever played.
Great News.