Playstation News

Here’s Footage Of The Cancelled Justice League Brawler

DidYouKnowGaming who are known for lifting the lid on some of gaming’s best secrets have today revealed the cancellation of a Justice League Brawler. It was going to be released alongside the cancelled movie in 2009. The game was being developed primarily on 360, but was also going to be released on PS3 and Nintendo Wii.

The game was said to be developed by Double Helix and included players such as Batman, Wonder-Woman, Super Man, Green Lantern and Flash. Early footage of the game as well as character models have been shown in this video by DidYouKnowGaming.

The game’s story mode would allow you to switch between 16 characters, controlling two at a time. The game looked quite deep including RPG elements, which were going to allow upgrades to each characters. The game also surprisingly had really good graphics, considering this footage looks to be quite early in development.

With the DC universe on the rise, and a Justice League movie set to release this week, it’ll be interesting to see if we ever see another AAA Justice League game.


Published by
Shannon Grixti