Sony has today shown off a video showcasing how fast the next gen Sony console (expected to be PlayStation 5) loads games versus the PlayStation 4 Pro.
When the first PS5 details were released last month, one of the main selling points for the console was how fast it loads games. This is something that Sony has said is still under development, but they’ve released an official video showcasing how fast the next-gen console can load a game (Spider-Man in this instance) in comparison to PS4 Pro.
The PS4 Pro takes about 8 seconds to load into a game, where the next-gen Sony console takes less than a second to load up the same instance. In fact, the next-gen console can actually load about 4-5 different instances before the PS4 Pro has even loaded into the first.
It’s still hard to know what this actually means in a real world scenario. It could mean that we could be able to jump between games almost instantly and jump straight into where we left off, which would be pretty phenomenal. It’s also worth noting that not only is this going to effect how quickly games load in, it appears that textures and the game world are loading almost instantaneously too, which means that things like pop in should be less prominent.