Xbox News

Here’s The Xbox Series X Being Compared To A Bunch Of Other Consoles

It’s no secret that the Xbox Series X is going to be a chonky boy, everything we’ve seen so far has suggested that the monolithic box is going to take up quite a bit of cabinet space when it comes time to launch this November.

Over on YouTube, Maniak Gaming has posted a video that includes a number of size comparisons using a prototype of the Xbox Series X. Of course, the entire video is in Polish so I can’t speak to what was said throughout, though as a visual guide to how big the Series X is going to be it’s a fascinating video.

Honestly, it’s a bit smaller than I was expecting and it’s crazy to recall just how big the base Xbox One was at launch. That said, at the approximate size of two and a half stacked Nintendo Gamecubes, it’s still a formidable piece of tech.

For a reminder of what exactly is inside Xbox Series X, he’s a rundown of the console specs.

Published by
Brodie Gibbons