Xbox News

The First Chapter Of Tell Me Why Is Now Free

The first chapter of Dontnod’s critically acclaimed narrative adventure game Tell Me Why is now free on the Microsoft Store and Steam, while the remaining chapters are 50% off for the rest of the week. You can grab it here. 

Tell Me Why is a single-player narrative adventure from the studio behind the beloved franchise Life is Strange. In this intimate mystery, reunited twins Tyler and Alyson Ronan use their special bond to unravel the memories of their loving but troubled childhood.

Set in the fictional town of Delos Crossing, Alaska, Tell Me Why features a cast of intriguing, true-to-life characters and mature themes. As you interact with memories of the past, you will make choices that determine the strength of the unique bond that Tyler and Alyson share and shape the future course of the twins’ lives.

I absolutely loved this game and feel compelled to recommend the first chapter (at the very least) to anybody even remotely interested in the narrative adventure genre. You can read our full review of the title right here. 

Published by
Camilla Wolfe