Konami Has Announced A Mini TurboGrafx-16 Console For Each Region

Seeing as it’s been a hot second since we’ve had a mini, retro-throwback console announced, Konami has taken the opportunity to announce their own TurboGrafx-16 mini at E3 this year.

In an odd move, they detailed their plans to release three separate consoles tailored for three different regions. The TurboGrafx-16 mini model will be a US release, while the PC Engine CoreGrafx mini will arrive on European shelves, so this is most likely the model we’ll get if it makes it here. Lastly, there’s the PC Engine mini for Japan.

It’s fair to say they’re an ugly lot, but the consoles have a quick save feature, as well as various display modes, including a pretty cool retro CRT look for people really looking to recapture the glory days.

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Konami even released a trailer for each iteration.

There have been six games announced to this point, though there’s surely many more to be announced prior to its launch.

  • R-Type
  • New Island Adventure
  • Ys Book I & II
  • Ninja Spirit
  • Alien Crush
  • Dungeon Explorer

The Japanese iteration of the console, however, has a different line-up.

  • Bonk’s Adventure
  • Dracula X
  • The Kung Fu
  • Ys I & II
  • Super Star Soldier
  • Dungeon Explorer

We’ll be sure to keep you updated should a larger list of games or a release date appears for Konami’s mini.