
Nintendo Switch Is Getting The Marketing Push It Deserves In Australia

As we’ve watched the Nintendo Switch hype roll out worldwide, we’ve been wondering when we’re going to start seeing marketing for the console pop up around Australia. Well, this weekend has finally began delivering.

At Westfield Chatswood, the Nintendo Switch was playable both yesterday and today. A booth not too different from the one that appeared at the Melbourne media event and Sydney’s RTX housed games such as 1-2 Switch, Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Arms.

The most important thing in the lead-up to launch and beyond is that consumers go hands-on with the Nintendo Switch. I’m reminded daily in my work place that people still have an intimate love for Nintendo brands including but not exclusive to Mario, Pokemon and Zelda.

Further to this, billboards have started popping up in Australia. Just yesterday alone, they had popped up in Adelaide and Sydney, which means that they’re surely in all major Australian cities. This is important as it’s the first time that Nintendo has advertised on such a large scale in Australia in some time. I don’t believe we ever saw these kinds of large-scale advertisements for the Wii U.

Sure, the billboards aren’t those epic ones that we saw taking over Japanese train stations, but they’re a good sign that Nintendo is committed to this product long-term and wants success in Australia again.

We’ve also more recently seen some incredible displays pop up at JB Hi-FI stores across the country, a sign that retail believes in the Nintendo Switch too.

Whilst the Nintendo Switch isn’t sold out at any major Australian retailer, we’re led to believe that pre-orders are well ahead of the Wii U.

The Nintendo Switch will release in Australia on March 3rd for $469.95. It hasn’t been all smooth sailing for the Nintendo Switch to date, but I’m incredibly excited about the launch and beyond and truly believe that Nintendo have a product to really gain a foothold in the market.

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  • Smart idea to position it as a console in the West, but the really need to hammer its handheld variant in Japan where handhelds as a whole outsell consoles.

  • I think playstation... with all its crashes... and the other multitude of problems... along with xbox and its dwindling support.. wont compare to a on the go platform like the switch.. 460 isnt bad compared to a 1000 dollar phone.. i payed 800 for ps4... specialy since its a new console and new consoles are allways more expensive then there settle price. Most people are just tight arse cheap scates these days

  • Hopefully I am wrong, but unfortunately I see the Switch failing.
    It is an interesting concept but very few people are going to be taking it out and about playing on a tiny screen with tiny controllers, and definitely not two player split screen games. There are already plenty of mobile game devices in the marketplace.
    After seeing the price, it is just not competitive. At $300 it would have a chance, but not at $470, especially when PS4 and XB1 drop well below $400 during sales.
    The fans of Nintendo only games will buy this, but few others will until it reaches a reasonable price point.
    I bought the Wii back in 2009, but didn't bother with the WiiU due to it's cost and limited game selection.
    I hope I'm wrong Nintendo!

    • you act like switch cant price drop later on idiot and that's why there is demos people try it out and some ppl are handheld gamers no the mainstream will buy this this isn't a wii u dipstick be smarter

    • good thing there's no such device with an even smaller screen called Nintendo 3DS then, the horror of playing on such a small screen while on the go.

      • Excellent point, and one that I also considered while writing my thoughts.
        I guess I was specifically thinking playing this with 2 players like depicted in the promo ad and that the games are 'meant' to be played on a larger TV screen.
        I guess that doesn't matter, and your reply regarding this made me have another look at some revent soze comparisons with various devices, including a 3DSXL, which my son has.
        I'm certainly not a Nintendo hater, as the Wii gave us many great family memories!

    • then it'd have directly competed with the 1 yr old (at the time) 3DS. Both had their struggles out of the gate, and Nintendo was stumbling itself trying how to figure out how to court Wii buyers to Wii U and DS buyers to 3DS.

  • Bring it on Nintendo! The switch needs to extend its reach beyond the fanboys, so this is all good. I still remember those n64 aussie ads with Tim Fergurson haha

    • I cant wait for this thing to flop.

      You Nintendo c0cksuckers are gonna look like big time dumbasses lmfao

Published by
Shannon Grixti