
Fortnite Sells Over 500,000 Copies On Day One

Fortnite’s creative director, Darren Sugg, has taken to Twitter to share with gamers the news that Fortnite managed to sell over 500,000 copies of the game in digital pre-orders alone and that, with some refreshing optimism, they’re just getting started.

Fortnite is going to be a free-to-play game when it officially rolls out, though that clearly hasn’t deterred people from paying to get in early.

If you’re keen to opt in, Fortnite has a range of packs. They start at $52.45 and scale up all the way to $215.95 The latter, though still digital, contains all kinds of bonus loot to give you a real head start in the building-action game.

The game’s free-to-play roll out is confirmed for 2018, though a ballpark date is unknown at this stage.

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Published by
Brodie Gibbons