Nintendo News

Nintendo’s E3 Presentation Is Going To Be Quite Short

It’s been revealed in a press release that Nintendo’s E3 showcase will a lot shorter this year than in previous years. Nintendo’s E3 Showcase (the one with the announcements) is set to commence at 2am on Wednesday morning. Nintendo is saying that they will transition over to the Nintendo Treehouse at 2:30am which gives them a maximum of 30 minutes for the Nintendo Spotlight.

We’ve seen Nintendo Directs be quite speedy in recent months, but 30 minutes is quite less than what other companies spend on their E3 presentations. Usually. we’ll see them range anywhere from 60-90 minutes. Nintendo’s last E3 Direct went for 48 minutes and not many great titles were announced.

We’re still holding hope that they’ll go all out.

Published by
Shannon Grixti