Nintendo News

The SNES Classic Mini Doesn’t Come With An AC Adaptor And It Really Doesn’t Bloody Matter

Nintendo revealed the SNES Classic Mini and once again revealed that they were releasing a product without an AC Adaptor. In-fact, they announced a brand new USB Adaptor that looks like it’ll work universally among all their products, but you really don’t need it.

I’m seeing a lot of confusion on social media. People either outraged over the fact that Nintendo isn’t including an AC adaptor with the SNES Classic Mini or just confused about whether any old USB adaptor will work with the SNES Classic Mini.

To put it to bed, I can almost guarantee that you don’t need to purchase an additional AC Adaptor for your SNES Classic Mini (or any other Nintendo device). If it’s like the NES Classic Mini (and it’s almost certain to be), almost any USB AC adaptor will work just fine. One of the 10 iPhone chargers you’ve got lying around or any AC adaptor that takes USB input.

Further to this, you can plug your SNES Classic Mini into your TV if it has a USB port. That’s how little power it uses. If your TV doesn’t have a power point, then you can plug it into your PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 or even your trusty Nintendo Switch dock.

Strangely enough, people have even had success running their NES Classic Mini on a power bank. Sure, you might only get a few hours, but if you’re worried about spending money on a $20 USB adaptor (that will be multipurpose), then that’s probably a better option.

Only then, if you don’t have any of these things will you need to consider purchasing Nintendo’s $20 USB adaptor. Although, you can probably head to JB Hi-Fi, eBay or just about any other retailer and pick one up for a few dollars. It’s really not revolutionary tech.

The SNES Classic Mini launches on September 30th for $119.95.

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  • Point is though, there should be one included..
    It's simple as, can you play the system without one? no..? well put it in the fucking box.
    Not everybody has USB AC gear yet, I for one do not, and yet my PC cost more than most peoples first car.
    Charging over $100 for a Nintendo made Pi then not giving an adapter is just poor on their side.

    • if they include the adapter the price goes up, why should everyone have to pay for something very few need? and besides, if your computer costs so much, it should have a USB port somewhere, im sure you can find it if you look hard.

      • I bet the price wouldn't have to go up that much. This is nothing but more "physical dlc". They took a product that was complete and split it up so they can sell the parts separately to people who are inconvenienced by their decision. The cost of the console alone should cover the inclusion of a basic adapter. It's an issue of ethics more than anything and Nintendo just keeps demonstrating they enjoy exploiting consumers.

        • "Physical DLC" excuse me, I have to go see a doctor about getting my palm surgically removed from my face.

          • There are Nintendo games that have some content locked behind Amiibos. You have to buy a physical item to unlock the downloadable content in these games. As for the SNES classic and and the DS XL they created a complete system and then removed a part of that (the actual power adapter) to be sold separately so anyone who actually needed one gets to pay more than it would have cost to include it in the box without having to spend $15-$20 extra if you want to plug it into the wall. Every other brand console I've purchased contained everything I needed in the box but not so much with Nintendo.

            That my friend (we're friends now, wanna hang out next week some time?) is what I meant by physical DLC. Applying a business model that we normally see in games to physical items in the real world. You might not see that as a problem and that's fine. Things never used to come with batteries (except I remember my gameboy color did). I personally think Nintendo has been a little sketchy with their practices over the last decade (primarily artificial stock shortages). It's not all doom and gloom though. On the plus side I am very happy they included two controllers with this one, a longer cable length, and a selection of really good games so there is a lot to like about the console itself. Getting the chance to play Earthbound is rather exciting.

          • amiibo are one thing, this is completely different. where do you live that you don't have a single free USB point? the basis for your argument is the same as arguing that the PS4 requires physical DLC because it doesn't come with a screen, or that the Xbox one requires physical DLC because it doesn't come with an electrician to install a power point to plug the console in to, USB points are EVERYWHERE, I look around my office right now and i count 11 vacant USB points, and yes my SNES is already plugged in (Into my TV right next to the HDMI, very convenient for moving it later)

          • Brilliant. Were you born retarded or do you just act that way on the internet? Wherever you're from your education system is severely lacking critical assessment skills. That said, massive props for actually using the correct "You're". Good work :D

          • Oh you missed the "a" in that sentence. You were doing so well too. But you do make a good point. I am sad. Can you help cheer me up? If you can make a post with more than 3 words in it that might be impressive!

      • What does my PC having a USB type AC plug help with anything?
        This is a console, to be played in the living room, unless your suggesting I first unplug everything, carry my PC to the living room, plug it in there. Then and only then I can play my console I paid $120 for?

        Also why does the price have to go up? The adapter doesn't cost $40 nor $20 to make in mass. Maybe $5, adding a $5 item in a box along with a $50 console, where they are most likely making at least 50% profit on already, why should they put them on us.

        Again, if you NEED it to play the thing you buying, it should be in the box.
        I'm not buying a barebones SNES, I'm buying a plug and play console.

        • then plug it into your tv like i did, again, this is 2017, if you dont have a usb port free in your house thats a you problem and i shouldn't have to pay another $20 to solve your problem, hell you can get usb points installed in your power outlets relatively cheaply these days and then you can skip buying the charger all together.

Published by
Shannon Grixti