Nintendo News

You Can Catch Ho-Oh In Pokemon Go Right Now

Yep, you read that right. Niantic has announced that Ho-Oh is available to catch in Pokemon GO right now. This is thanks to players catching three million Pokemon world wide.

You’ll need to compete in Raid Battles at Gyms and you’ve got until December 12th to grab him.

The post from Niantic reads: 


Congratulations! We issued a challenge—and you answered the call. Collectively, you caught over 3 billion Pokémon during the Global Catch Challenge, unlocking some amazing rewards along the way. But that’s not all… As a result of all your hard work, Ho-Oh is now appearing in Raid Battles at Gyms around the world until December 12, 2017. So, gather your friends and find a Legendary Raid near you!

Good luck!

Published by
Shannon Grixti