Everything Announced In Nintendo’s Indie Nintendo Direct

Nintendo held the last Indie Direct for the year earlier this morning and it was pretty good. An Australian developer kicked things off with Sports Story, which is the sequel to Golf Story and has a bunch of different sports for you to play through. There were franchise favourites such as an Oddworld game coming to Switch and a bunch of other indie titles (some of which are dropping today).

Sports Story is a sequel to Golf Story and it’s coming to Nintendo Switch in Mid 2020

Axiom Verge 2 is coming to Nintendo Switch in Spring 2020

Streets of Rage 4 is coming to the Nintendo Switch in the first half of 2020

Gleamlight is coming to Switch in early 2020

Bake N Switch is coming to Switch in Winter 2020

Supersmash is a game that makes games and it’s out in May 2020

The Talos Principle is out on Nintendo Switch today

Sail Forth is a brand new game coming to Switch in 2020

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Dauntless hits Nintendo Switch today

Murder by Numbers is a detective Picross game and its out in early 2020

Oddworld Strange’s Wrath HD is coming to Switch in Jan 2020


Skatebird is coming to Switch in Late 2020

Liberated is coming to Switch in 2020

Boyfriend Dungeon is coming to Switch in 2020

Dreamscaper is coming to Switch in early 2020

The Survivalists is coming to Switch in 2020 and is set in the Escapists Universe