Nintendo News

Skyrim: Anniversary Edition Is Out Now On Switch In Case You Haven’t Played It Yet

Time to dust off that book full of “Skyrim re-releasing yet again” jokes that you haven’t looked at in about a week or so, because it’s happened again.

To be fair, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been on the Switch for a hot minute in its standard flavour, and we had an idea that the Anniversary Edition variety was on its way to Nintendo’s handheld, but yesterday’s drop on the Switch eShop came with little to no fanfare from Bethesda until after the fact.

Existing owners of the game on Switch will be able to upgrade their copy, while new players can grab it as a bundle:

The Anniversary Upgrade/Anniversary Edition of Skyrim includes new content like quests, dungeons, bosses, weapons, spells, and more.

Published by
Kieron Verbrugge