Despite a messy launch for Amazon Game Studio’s Western release of Lost Ark on Steam, the game has soared to the top of the charts. With more than 1.3m players online during launch, Lost Ark has beaten both DOTA 2 and CS:GO to set the 2nd highest concurrent players record of all time behind PUBG’s 2017 record.
These incredible numbers came after the official Western launch of the game was delayed due to server deployment issues. Despite this, it only took Lost Ark a handful of hours to rocket toward the top five all-time concurrent player count, pushing another one of Amazon Game Studio’s titles, New World, down to #6 on the list.
Lost Ark is an isometric ARPG MMO developed by Tripod Studio and Smilegate RPG. It originally launched in South Korea in December of 2019 with additional releases in Russia and Japan in 2020. on February 11, the game launched on Steam as a free to play title for North America, Latin America and Europe, with players from Australia and New Zealand joining in, despite an unfortunate lack of OCE based servers. The game is primarily focused on PvE exploration but features PvP elements as well. Players start by choosing one of 5 classes and then picking an additional advanced class to suit their playstyle before setting off on an adventure in pursuit of an artifact known as the Ark.
You can download and play Lost Ark for free exclusively through Steam on Windows PC.