Playstation News

You’re Forbidden To Find Love In Metal Gear Survive

Let’s be honest, end-user license agreements are often skipped and seldom read. As a result, a lot of people probably don’t know what they’re agreeing to half of the time.

When it comes to Metal Gear Survive, it’s a good thing someone has picked it apart because there are some truly bizarre and fascinating conditions tucked away in there. Konami clearly doesn’t want Survive becoming a video game version of Tinder, forbidding players from finding love using the platform.

The entry states that players cannot:

seek a relationship with another person or [do] an act that Konami determines is made for the main purpose of causing a relationship.

It’s probably the oddest thing I’ve seen in an EULA and it’s scary to think of some of the other things we’ve agreed to along the journey.

Published by
Brodie Gibbons