Xbox Series X Telstra

Telstra Is Shipping Xbox Series X Pre-Orders And Moving Some People Forward To Wave 1 and Wave 1.5

Telstra has begun shipping out Xbox Series X pre-orders today, in preparation for launch tomorrow. These are shipping with Startrack who are pretty reliable when it comes to getting products delivered on launch day (similar process to big mobile phone launches).

That’s not where the good news ends though. Some customers are also getting moved up from Wave 2 to Wave 1.5 (that’s a new one) which means they’ll get their Xbox Series X units dispatched between November 18th-20th. Some Wave 2 customers are also getting moved up to Wave 1 which means they’ll get their units as early as this week.

Wave 2 is set to ship on December 9th, so it’s a bit of a wait, but not too far away.

The Xbox Series X officially launches tomorrow on November 10th. It’s going to be an exciting day for all.