Xbox News

Xbox Has Released A Free Toolkit To Help Aussie Families Game Safely

Microsoft has partnered with a number of local organisations, including the Interactive Gaming and Entertainment Association (IGEA), Alannah and Madeline Foundation, Department of Home Affairs and eSafety Commissioner to create the Xbox Gaming Safety Toolkit – a new resource for parents and carers in Australian/New Zealand to better understand the world of online video games, the inherent and best practices for younger players to game safely.

The toolkit is freely available online and covers a number of important topics, from how to most effectively make use of parental control tools – Microsoft’s Global Online Safety Survey reports that 71% of Australian parents use them, which is great – as well as how to correctly set up Xbox user accounts for younger players, have critical conversations around privacy and good cyber habits, manage in-game spending, navigate harmful content and more while still respecting their need for social engagement and autonomy.

Aside from general advice and how-tos, the Xbox Gaming Safety Toolkit also breaks down a number of different age groups with specific advice on how online gaming factors into their general development at key times and what studies have revealed about how gaming and online social interaction affects young people at every age. The ages covered range from 5 to 16+ and the information provided includes resources and advice from official organisations for every step on the road.

“IGEA is pleased to have supported the development of the Xbox Gaming Safety Toolkit,” said IGEA CEO, Ron Curry. “This comprehensive resource will provide parents and caregivers of gamers to better understand the digital ecosystem and the steps they can take to keep their children safe when playing games online. Whilst this resource focuses on Xbox, it is a useful toolkit that can be used to understand common concerns across any platform.”

You can access the Xbox Gaming Safety Toolkit with specific advice for Australian families here, or New Zealand families here.

Published by
Kieron Verbrugge