Goldeneye 007

The Original Goldeneye 007 Looks To Be Headed To Xbox Thanks To Leaked Achievements

Here’s an interesting one – as reported on gaming forum Resetera, an achievement list for a Goldeneye 007 game on Xbox has appeared on achievement-tracking website TrueAchievements.

Based on the accompanying achievement text and images, this looks to be a port of the original N64 version and not any of the rumoured/cancelled remakes. The Resetera user who shared the leaked lists also notes that at least one of the players who’ve unlocked the achievements is an Xbox developer, so it makes sense that they’d have unlocked these early.

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It appears that this is totally separate to the planned Xbox 360 version of the game (which recently leaked) and it seems highly likely that if it does come to Xbox, it’ll also come to Nintendo Switch. It seems as though a release and potential stealth drop could be around the corner if achievement tracking for the game is already live. We’ll keep an eye out on this one as it develops.