The cheapest price will always be at the top running down through local retailers and finishing off with online only deals. We will update with new & special prices as they come in up until launch day.
Gears of War 4 officially releases on Tuesday 11th October but with early access on Friday 7th October if you fork out for a more expensive edition.
There is an Ultimate Edition containing the game in a steel book with the season pass available while the Collectors Edition is exclusive to EB Games with a statue. Various pre-order DLC is about along with other offers listed below.
JB Hi-Fi & Target have the cheapest launch day price at $79
Retail Stores:
JB Hi-Fi – $79, UE $139
Target – $79
EB Games – $100, UE $140, CE $300
Big W – NA
Dungeon Crawl – $69
OzGameShop – $65
The Gamesmen – $68, UE $150
Xbox Store – $100, UE $140