ARMS Is One Of The Most Beautiful Games Coming Out In 2017

I had my first proper chance to play ARMS at length over the weekend during the Global TestPunch, and it is fair to say the team had a blast trying out the seven characters and party mode on offer.

The mechanics are damn slick, incredibly satisfying and more importantly ridiculously fun. Each character is not only unique due to their visual design but they all bring something different mechanically to the fight and you’ll need to learn their differences, or otherwise be caught out.

But ARMS isn’t just a pleasure to play, it is a visual joy. Seriously the style and visuals are so damn good and had me been blown away several times during the TestPunch at how beautiful they are. I’ve never taken so many screenshots while playing a game than I have with ARMS.

Check out some of my favourites from the weekend below!

Min Min finishing off an opponent with her Dragon Arm.
The visuals are taken up a notch for KOs!
The girls are graceful winners of volleyball.
Look at those arms go!
KO right to the face.
The UI menus are easy to use and add the slick style of ARMs.
Mechanica taking out .... Mechanica..
Min Min is best bae.
Each hit and move results in another explosion of colour and highlights.
Mummy bringing the goods.
When you want to take a screenshot but are in the middle of a fight...
Achieve a perfect via winning without taking any hits yourself.
Springman with the finishing upperecut.
Get ready.
Although rare, draws do happen.
Helix is one weird and wonderful... thing.

If you missed out on the TestPunch this weekend just past, don’t stress! As Nintendo are running another one for ARMS next weekend. Check out the details here and if you were struggling to switch targets on the weekend check out our advice on how and have a read of why we think you shouldn’t play ARMS with motion controls.

Published by
Seamus Mullins