Playstation 4 Firmware 1.70 Details Revealed

In comparison to the frequency of Xbox One updates or news of upcoming updates, PS4 updates feel few and far between. That being said, Sony has unveiled what will be coming in Firmware 1.70.

The first and biggest feature to me personally, is the feature to pre-load games you have digitally pre-ordered. I’m a huge advocate for owning games digitally vs physically, but unfortunately as the sizes of games grow Australia’s internet isn’t really keeping up. So the ability to pre-load before a game’s release definitely makes the PS4 a much more appealing option.

The second and probable more notable feature is the SHAREfactory, which gives you a pretty good basic editing tool for your gameplay clips. Check out the video below for a demonstration.

A cool feature of SHAREfactory is that you can upload directly to Facebook or transfer your edited videos to a USB device. Share has also been improved to allow clips to be recorded in shorter increments, and HDCP finally has the option to be turned off. Allowing people with external capture devices to do things the way they want.

A release date for Firmware 1.70 is yet to be announced. We’ll update you as soon as more details become available.

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